The Ismay Family      

Contents Page

              All available pages are listed here, with a brief insight into the theme.       

   NEW!           What's new page; See recent events including the 2005 White Star Line Lectures

                       Origins  An insight into the origins of the Ismay family, going back to the Battle of  Hastings 1066.

                 White Star Line  An introduction to the White Star Line pages, all other pages can be accessed from here.

                Maiden Voyage: There is too much information on this subject for one page alone, so three pages have been used for three different topics. I would recommend viewing these in sequence.

Maiden voyage 1 Important information from the time when the Titanic began her sea trials, until she collided with an iceberg

Maiden voyage 2 Events after the collision, leading to the rescue by the Carpathia, including events as witnessed by F Ray

Maiden voyage 3 Conduct of Mr.. Bruce Ismay? The truth according to F Dent Ray, 1st. class steward, and others

                    Thomas Henry Ismay     This page is devoted to events in the life of the man who made the 'White Star Line' successful.

                     J Bruce Ismay Story of the man who succeeded his father as chairman, and was onboard the Titanic for her maiden voyage.

                                   Allegations A page about some of the allegations of cowardice which were made, and some theories why these were untrue.

                     Letters Your chance to read many rare letters which undoubtedly lead to the formation of the White Star Line

                    Sailing ships         A list of ships owned solely by T H Ismay, including : length of service, tons, etc.     

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